From the Right





What's Wrong With American Schools?

From the Right / Laura Hollis /

Former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks often about how the health of American children has declined during his lifetime. Since Kennedy ended his campaign last month and endorsed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, both he and Trump have stated that Kennedy will hold a prominent position in Trump's administration ...Read more

And the Winner Was… It Was a Draw!

From the Right / Cal Thomas /

You could see where this was headed from the start when debate co-host David Muir asked Vice President Kamala Harris the question Ronald Reagan asked Americans to ponder when he debated Jimmy Carter in October 1980: “Are you better off ...Read more

The Cipher and Her Praetorian Guard

From the Right / Ben Shapiro /

In the lead-up to this week's presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the polls showed a dead heat, both nationally and in seven swing states. The 2024 race is, by all measures, the closest presidential race we have seen in our lifetimes. But the usual presidential math applies: The person upon whom the race becomes a ...Read more

ABC Moderators Go After Trump. Harris Remains Blurry

From the Right / Debra Saunders /

WASHINGTON -- Donald Trump walked onto the debate stage in Philadelphia deeply aware that he should show undecided voters that he is focused on issues and not his list of grievances.

But time was his enemy.

Trump did a solid job of hitting Vice President Kamala Harris on the U.S. economy and the chaos at the Southwest border under President ...Read more

Harris Effectively Had Trump Following Her Script

From the Right / S.E. Cupp /

After months of following the many twists and turns of this presidential election, we’ve all been zooming in on some very particular voters who will ultimately decide who wins in November.

It’s the undecided, moderate and independent voters in seven ...Read more

Taking From Peter To Give to Paul Is Not America

From the Right / Star Parker /

A newspaper story several years ago reported about an elementary school teacher who held elections in his class.

The students picked their candidates -- one little boy competing against one little girl.

The little boy stood up before the class and shared his ideas for changes that would improve their lives. The little girl stood up and ...Read more

Will the Next President Defeat Communist China's Slow War of Attrition Against the World?

From the Right / Austin Bay /

How will the next president deal with communist China's slow war of attrition against the world?

The question is serious but too complicated for TV talking heads to ask presidential candidates, assuming the talking heads understand the threat is much more than a headline.

In the Sept. 10 debate, China's threat was treated as an economic ...Read more

Kamala's Housing Reparations

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris is promising to provide "first-time homebuyers with $25,000 to cover the down payment." Her promise is proving popular. Eighty percent of Democrats and even 20% of Republicans favor it, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday. But the devil is in the details, and the media are not asking any questions. The ...Read more

FBI Data Doesn't Properly Accept the 'Good Guy With a Gun' Fantasy!

From the Right / John Stossel /

Do you carry a gun? Bad idea, says Hollywood. Civilians with guns are fools. You are more likely to hurt yourself than the bad guy. "Leave it to a good guy with a gun to really screw things up," says a cop on ABC's "The Rookie." Liberal politicians agree.

"A good guy with a gun will stop bad guys with a gun?! It doesn't hold up," smiles New ...Read more

The Roots of American Prosperity

Do native-born Americans have higher household incomes than naturalized citizens? It is a simple question the Census Bureau answered this week. The answer? No.

Do they have higher household incomes than noncitizens? Yes.

In fact, when it comes to ranking household incomes by the nativity of the householder, according to the Census Bureau, ...Read more

The Media Can't Find a Left-Wing Label for Kamala Harris!

From the Right / Tim Graham /

Even battle-hardened conservatives can find it shocking when Democrat-boosting reporters fail to identify Kamala Harris as a "liberal" or a "progressive" or even, dare one say it, a "left-wing radical."

In a new Media Research Center study of ABC's "World News Tonight," since Harris was anointed in a back room as Biden's replacement on July 21,...Read more

This Year, Voters Are Flexible and Ready To Deal

SAN DIEGO -- As if the 2024 presidential election didn't have enough surprises, it now delivers something completely unexpected that we don't see often in politics: a squishy electorate.

Usually, it's the politicians and elected officials who bend and twist and contort themselves to get elected. Forget about kissing babies. The real tradition...Read more

Today's Conspiracy Theories Are Tomorrow's Headlines

From the Right / Victor Joecks /

When conservatives notice, it's a conspiracy theory. Once liberals acknowledge it, it's old news. Look at illegal immigration.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) recently released a report detailing the scope of illegal immigration under the Biden-Harris administration. Since President Joe Biden took office, "over 8.5 million illegal aliens have crossed...Read more

Those Who Won't Vote for Trump Because They Loathe Him Are Simply Childish!

From the Right / Dennis Prager /

A great many Americans claim that they cannot vote for former President Donald Trump because they loathe him.

That was also their argument in 2016 and 2020.

That argument was childish in 2016 and 2020, and it remains childish in 2024.

I say "childish" because mature people don't vote on the basis of whom they like. They vote on the basis of ...Read more


There’s one surefire way to protect democracy from‘ influence’, and no one’s talking about it

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

PARIS – It’s once again that time of the U.S. presidential election cycle when federal officials start talking about alleged foreign influence by the usual suspects, notably Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. But the most effective solution seems to be flying right under everyone’s radar.

Law enforcement isn’t it, if only because a ...Read more

Hey Kamala! Where Are Your Spending Cuts?

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

In 1982 the federal budget deficit rose above $100 billion for the first time (those were the good old days!), and then-President Ronald Reagan agreed to an infamous budget deal with then-House Speaker Tip O'Neill. Democrats would agree to $3 of spending cuts for every $1 of tax increases. Reagan foolishly agreed to the deal. The taxes went up. ...Read more

Trump Vows to Hold Harris Accountable and Take Country to Better Place

From the Right / Salena Zito /

JOHNSTOWN, Pennsylvania -- Former President Donald Trump said in an interview with the Washington Examiner that his message to undecided voters in Pennsylvania ahead of November's general election is that his administration would bring prosperity to Pennsylvanians through common-sense approaches to energy, border security and strengthening ...Read more

Cal Thomas: The Harris-Trump debate

From the Right / Cal Thomas /

As the disastrous (for Biden) Trump-Biden debate June 27 did not include any of my recommended questions, I offer ABC moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis some questions they might consider asking Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris in Tuesday’s face-off.

For Harris: Some Republicans, including your opponent, have accused you of ...Read more

When Joe Biden Kneecapped His Presidency

From the Right / Rich Lowry /

The beginning of the end of Joe Biden's presidency arrived in August 2001.

That's when the president began a catastrophic pullout from Afghanistan that shredded our national credibility and his own reputation. He never really recovered.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee has just released an exhaustive 353-page report putting on record the ...Read more

This Is All President Trump Has To Say To Win the Presidential Debate With Commie Kamala Harris!

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

President Trump has a debate coming up Tuesday night with Kamala Harris. Here is the shortest advice I've ever given.

Steve Jobs, the visionary and billionaire founder of Apple, followed this principle: Always KISS -- Keep It Simple, Stupid!

Begin the debate, and end the debate, and every chance you get in between, too, by painting a picture ...Read more


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