


Today's Word "introspection"

The act or process of self-examination on

Published in Vocabulary

introspection \in-truh-SPEK-shuhn\ (noun) - The act or process of self-examination; contemplation of one's own thoughts and feelings; a looking inward.

"There is a popular cry against introspection and an insistence that it is necessarily morbid, which works in direct opposisiton to true self-control. Introspection for its own sake is self-centered and morbid, but we might as well assert that it is right to have dirty hands so long as we wear gloves, and that it is morbid to want to be sure that our hands are clean under our gloves, as to assert that instrospection for the sake of our true spiritual freedom is morbid." -- Annie Payson Call, 'The Freedom of Life'


Introspection derives from the past participle of Latin introspicere, "to look inside," from intro-, "to the inside" + specere, "to look."



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