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Tips for dining out with your pup

American Kennel Club, American Kennel Club on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

Being in the full swing of summertime means more opportunities to enjoy the weather and that always means outdoor dining!

Whether you’re out to dinner or at weekend brunch, the American Kennel Club suggests the following tips for dining out with your dog safely:

Hydration is key: Outdoor dining is most popular during the summer, and that is also the season that temperatures can climb high, especially when sitting for extended periods in the sun. Make sure your dog stays hydrated and that you bring a bowl or doggie dish from home that can be filled with water. If your pooch looks to be panting heavily, it’s time to head home.

Puppy proof: Before settling in at the table or looking at the menu, be sure to do a scan of the area and under the table and chairs to ensure there is nothing your dog can munch on. Certain fattening foods can cause pancreatitis or other health issues in dogs, and there’s also the risk of foods that might make your dog sick, like chocolate or raisins.


Bring a toy: Having a meal and catching up with friends can be a wonderful time, but your dog may get antsy quickly while under the table and on a short leash. Bring something entertaining for your pup, like an interactive toy or various goodies.

Make the best decision for your pup: If your dog gets easily stressed or anxious in busy environments, it’s best to leave them at home when going out. This way, you (and other restaurant patrons) can enjoy your meal without worrying about making your dog uncomfortable.

For more information on responsible dog ownership, visit the AKC at

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