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Andrew Harnik/Getty Images North America/TNS

Lori Borgman: Politics is going potty-mouth, I swear

Parents / Mom's Advice /

It may be time to bring back the "cuss box" parents sometimes kept on kitchen tables or countertops. Kids had to deposit a coin every time they said a bad or ugly word. The present crop of candidates running for president and vice president could fine themselves and fund their own campaigns.

Coarse language among politicians is nothing new. ...Read more

Handout/Vanguard Press/TNS

A mother’s quest to find herself and her lost son

Parents / Mom's Advice /

I always find it fascinating to learn about the lives that others live. This is why I love reading memoirs — because you get to experience another person’s life right along with them. Sometimes the journey ends up in a good place and other times not. And just like in life, you don’t know until you get there. All of this is true while ...Read more

Dr. Macie Smith/Dr. Macie Smith/TNS

An expert's informative, holistic look at dementia caregiving

Parents / Mom's Advice /

If you are lucky enough as an adult to still have parents in your life, chances are very good that you will eventually be providing some level of care for them as they age. Between the rising costs of skilled nursing and the inadequate coverage provided by most insurance, many Americans are discovering that they must take charge of caregiving ...Read more


Some great books of August

Parents / Mom's Advice /

When William Faulkner was asked about the meaning of the title of his book "Light in August," he said, “in August … there’s a few days somewhere about the middle of the month when suddenly there’s a foretaste of fall, it’s cool, there’s a lambence, a soft, a luminous quality to the light, as though it came not from just today but ...Read more


The ripe stuff: Why seasonal eating can be a healthy delight

Parents / Mom's Advice /

A supermarket can be a tough place to be in sync with the seasons. We're not talking about how Halloween decorations arrive in August, either: It's because in the produce section, many fruits and vegetables are available year-round, and those that aren't can probably be found in the frozen foods aisle.

Such abundance is hardly a problem. But ...Read more

Child's Display Of Emotion Concerns Mother

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: The other day, my seven-year-old son came home crying after watching a kids' movie at a friend's house. He was upset because one of the film's characters was mistreated by other children throughout the movie. Even though it was all fiction, my son was troubled for the rest of the day. Should I be concerned about this level and display of ...Read more

It's Jonathan Franzen's Fault That I Don't Like Him

Parents / Georgia Garvey /

I hate Jonathan Franzen.

I know, I know, he's a Great Author(TM). Super talented, apparently. But I don't hate him on literary grounds. My hatred also has nothing to do with professional jealousy (I don't think. Though if that's an underlying reason, I'm fine with that, too).

The man could be the next coming of William Faulkner, Toni ...Read more

The Solomon of Divorce

Parents / Lenore Skenazy /

"Relationships don't last anymore," observed comedian Rita Rudner. "When I meet a guy, the first question I ask myself is, 'Is this the man I want my children to spend their weekends with?'"

Great joke -- horrible reality. But a new solution is on the horizon. After years of research, writer/activist Emma Johnson has come up with the best ...Read more

Sean Price Williams/Sony Pictures Classics/TNS

Family guide to new movie releases

Parents / Parenting News /


Rated R for strong violent content, sexual assault, drug use and language throughout, and some sexual references.

What it’s about: A young woman and her friend go to an island with a group of wealthy men and find themselves in a dangerous and mysterious situation.

The kid attractor factor: Not much, this is a horror/thriller

...Read more

Yuri Arcurs/Dreamstime/TNS

Ex-etiquette: Brother's ex-wife is still sister's best friend

Parents / Family Living /

Q. My brother is angry with me because I am best friends with his now ex-wife, Samantha. He expects me to abandon a 12-year friendship because they broke up. I haven’t taken sides. I see both of their points of view! And, I’m not so sure they won’t get back together. So here I sit, trying to figure out what to do. I’m just not willing to...Read more


Lori Borgman: Rollin' in funny money

Parents / Mom's Advice /

In these days when grocery budgets are stretched thin, we somehow find ourselves flush with cash. It's embarrassing.

A friend stopped by and had to clear a pile of 100s on the sofa before she could sit down.

We are rolling in the dough. Literally. This morning, I found a $500 bill in the dryer. I didn't even know they made 500s.

Bills of ...Read more

Stacey Wescott/Chicago Tribune/TNS

Planned Parenthood offers free abortions, vasectomies at mobile clinic near DNC to 'show what is possible'

Parents / Family Living /

CHICAGO — A few blocks from the Democratic National Convention, Planned Parenthood is offering free medication abortions and vasectomies at its mobile health clinic to demonstrate “what is possible when policies truly support accessible reproductive health care,” according to the agency.

Physicians were providing abortions and vasectomies...Read more


Tender memoir chronicles the addiction struggles of a loved one

Parents / Mom's Advice /

There’s a beautiful quote from Norman Maclean in his book, "A River Runs Through It," that says:

“We can seldom help those closest to us. Either we don’t know what part of ourselves to give or the part we have to give is not wanted. And so, it is those that we live with and should know who elude us. But we can still love them — we can ...Read more


18-month-old's mystery fever and swollen lips were symptoms of Kawasaki disease

Parents / Mom's Advice /

As a toddler, Konner Hall showed a knack for hitting milestones early.

At 9 months old, he started walking. By 14 months, he was potty trained.

He also had a tendency to get ear infections. So when he was 18 months old and woke up one morning with a low-grade fever, his parents – Stephanie and Justin Hall of Cottonwood, Alabama – figured ...Read more

Ian Andreiev/Dreamstime/TNS

All in the family: 3 generations take on the same defective heart valve

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Around the time a cardiologist diagnosed Keri Mathew with a heart problem at age 4, her dad once again failed the physical required to increase his life insurance policy.

So Gary Peterson went to see that cardiologist, too.

Mathew, who grew up in southwest Iowa, had been born with a heart murmur that might eventually correct itself. When it ...Read more

GOP Waking Up to the Harsh Truth About Trump

Parents / Georgia Garvey /

Now that President Joe Biden has stepped aside in the upcoming presidential election, Donald Trump has been forced to redesign his campaign, and he's handling the transition with all the aplomb and grace you might expect, which is to say, none.

He's done a lot of complaining about how unfair it is that he has to start over against a different...Read more

Yuri Arcurs/Dreamstime/TNS

Ask Mr. Dad: Am I boring my child?

Parents / Family Living /

Dear Mr. Dad: I'm a super-involved at-home dad of a 1-year-old daughter. We spend a lot of time together and it’s usually pretty fun. But sometimes I have a feeling that she’s bored, which isn’t surprising, because, honestly, sometimes I’m pretty bored myself. Got any ideas of how I can keep her entertained?

A: Wow, this question takes ...Read more

20th Century Studios/DISNEY/GETTY/TNS

Family guide to new movie releases

Parents / Parenting News /


Rated R for bloody violent content and language.

What it’s about: This seventh "Alien" movie, taking place after the events of "Alien," follows a crew of youths who come upon the xenomorphs while scavenging for equipment on the ship.

The kid attractor factor: This is more of an adult-oriented horror/sci-fi thriller

Good ...Read more


Ex-etiquette: Grandma stuck in the middle

Parents / Family Living /

Q. My son’s fiancee left 18 months ago, taking their two young children with her. The relationship had a number of struggles including immaturity, mental health and his drinking issues. He is told "no" when he asks for visits and sees his kids infrequently. He doesn’t send notes, call or video-chat with the kids. He refuses to consult a ...Read more


Lori Borgman: The garden smells like spaghetti

Parents / Mom's Advice /

My small charge brought her rain boots with her today, per my request. A heavy rain fell last night. Humidity is sliding down the windowpanes and the morning grass is so wet it squishes.

I pull on my rain boots, the ones with unicorns that she and her sisters gave me for my birthday last year. She pulls on her Pepto-Bismol pink boots and we ...Read more


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