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Where Do Mall Rats Go When They Can't Go to the Mall?

Parents / Lenore Skenazy /

Kids need some unsupervised time. Sure, it depends on their age, interests and neighborhood, but I am pretty constantly urging nervous parents to get a grip and let their kids walk to school, play outside and go to the store.

But in truth, it is not only anxiety thwarting parents. There are other forces arrayed against them: the car-centric ...Read more

Making It Legal for Kids to Frolic

Parents / Lenore Skenazy /

Kids have the right to some independence, and parents have the right to give it to them -- without getting investigated for neglect!

That's why I'm thrilled that legislators in five states are hoping to pass "Reasonable Childhood Independence" laws this year. And another five states may follow suit.

Bipartisan sponsors, who often disagree on...Read more

Learning to Live With a Little Fear

Parents / Lenore Skenazy /

A mom wrote to me the other day saying that, guess what? Her kids are now teens, and she knows they'll make some imperfect decisions, because she made some, too, and all this adds up to ... worry.

"I totally get how bad that feels," she wrote. "But I think parents are on the wrong track." They're seeking peace of mind, but that just isn't in ...Read more

Admitting the Truth About College Admissions

Parents / Lenore Skenazy /

This week I was speaking to a group of K-12 educators about my usual: the need for more free time, free play, self-direction and real-world adventures/responsibilities in childhood if we want to raise happier, healthier kids.

A frustrated high school AP history teacher then raised his hand and asked: But what are we supposed to do?

Give less...Read more

Is This Why No One Wants to Have Kids Anymore?

Parents / Lenore Skenazy /

The online publication Parents' article "5 Ways to Support Your Child's Preschool Curriculum at Home" is not just annoying. It is WRONG, and so is the whole idea it's pushing: Kids are dumb as dumplings and don't learn anything without you, the mom (or, ha ha, dad) constantly, endlessly nattering at them.

So it tells parents: Make every moment ...Read more

Cat Food, Chewing Gum and Joy

Parents / Lenore Skenazy /

It's an amazing gift, like a crimson sunset. It's an amazing institution, like the public library. And it's an amazing treasure, like Aladdin's cave. Except instead of gold and rubies, there's milk and cat food.

I'm speaking, of course, of the local mini mart: That humble store, often as tall as it is wide, stocked with every item you didn't ...Read more

My Things Are Making Resolutions Too

Parents / Lenore Skenazy /

New Year's resolutions for my stuff:

-- I, your pillow, will do a better job helping you sleep: by being squishy enough to feel delicious, and hard enough to not feel too squishy. I shall not mention that this is an impossible task, for I am your pillow, and my job is to gently usher you into dreamland, YOU IMPOSSIBLE INSOMNIAC! JUST TAKE A ...Read more

The Carols of 2024

Parents / Lenore Skenazy /

Do you need a little Christmas right this very minute? Here you go!

'The Drone Song' (To 'There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays')

Oh, there's no lack of drones in the Jersey skies

Big as Chevys, they're everywhere you roam

In the night, there's a turnpike shining in your eyes

For those Jersey guys (and spies), it's home sweet drone

'...Read more

Stop Ruining Christmas Carols

Parents / Lenore Skenazy /

Can we please stop pimping the carols?

Carols are just fine the way they were written -- and particularly fine the way Nat King Cole sang them.

They have, often enough, words that fall on the notes. They have a recognizable tune, usually beautiful. They do not need to swing, sway or swagger any more than they have done these past few decades ...Read more

The Benjamin Behind the Benjamins

Parents / Lenore Skenazy /

What a celebrity! Bestselling author. Pal of politicians and princes. Big on laughs, lovers, diets and health kicks, some involving nudity. Fantastic swimmer. Fantastic thinker. In France, they put his picture on bracelets.

Are we talking about Lance Armstrong (pre-scandal)? P. Diddy (pre-scandal)? Kanye (pre-series of scandals)? Try Ben ...Read more

Thank Outside the Box

Parents / Lenore Skenazy /

Things to be thankful for AFTER Thanksgiving? There are a heap! Be glad that:

1. You were not crushed while attempting to buy a 98-inch smart TV. (If you WERE crushed, please skip to item 15.) (And ... sorry.)

2. You presumably understand how to USE your smart TV (even though it is smarter than you by several magnitudes). Knowing how to get ...Read more


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