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Everyday Cheapskate: The Tyranny of Too Many Choices

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

A perfectly orchestrated backyard party took an ugly turn as the bounce house emptied all 15 little friends who, joined by twice as many adults, gathered around to watch the 5-year-old open a mountain of gifts. At that moment the birthday girl melted into a puddle of tears.

Little Emily's embarrassed parents threatened punishment if she didn't ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: No End in Sight for Great Reader Tips

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Once a week I worry that after all these years my faithful readers will simply run out of ideas. New and clever tips, tricks and clever hints will fade into extinction. But every week I get to put my worries to rest. Just look at all the great tips that recently showed up in my inbox.


If you ever need to transport a pie but don'...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Good for You ... And Your Budget Too

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals a shocking reality: Poor diet is still a major threat to our health. In fact, unhealthy eating habits now contribute to over 678,000 deaths in the U.S. each year, surpassing even tobacco use as the leading cause of preventable death. This means that what's on our plates ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Groceries Got You Groaning? Here's How to Save Without Starving

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

If your grocery bill feels more like a mortgage payment these days, you're not imagining it. Even though inflation's been slowing, grocery prices have climbed about 21% over the past few years. Unlike that fancy latte, groceries aren't optional. But while we can't control the prices, we can outsmart them with a few clever strategies.

REMEMBER ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: We've Become a Nation of Softies

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Compared to my grandmother, I'm a lazy bum. While my generation hires out domestic tasks without a second thought, she and my grandfather focused on how much money they could sock away for emergencies and their "old age."

They both lived to just shy of 100, never needing Medicaid, government assistance* or a handout. They owned their home ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: And the Winner Is

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

It's official. My readers are the best (and not bad-looking either). Not only are you loyal, but you've also made mail time the highlight of my day. Your letters and tips are fantastic, and when you send in advertisements, credit offers and consumer ripoffs, it shows me you're paying attention. And it seems you're getting pretty good at it too. ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: A Wedding From HEL

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Did you happen to catch the episode of "Dr. Phil" on weddings? One couple was having a major disagreement over the cost of their impending nuptials and came to Dr. Phil to help them find a solution. He has $2,500 in savings, she has none. That's OK, I thought. At least they are talking in terms of cash.

Then the bride dropped the bomb: Because ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Annualizing Your Spending: The Key to Financial Freedom

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Most of us prefer to think of spending money in ways that don't make us cringe. I suppose that's only natural. If we could truly see how every little purchase adds up in the grand scheme of things, maybe those "just a little treat" splurges wouldn't feel quite so harmless.

Take a page from Howard Schultz's book -- literally. In "Pour Your Heart...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Kitchen Hacks You'll Actually Use

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Fast food runs, deli detours and a grocery cart loaded with preprepared food can drain a food budget faster than a houseful of hungry teenagers. The secret to slashing your family's food bill is to cook at home. And the way to become confident in the kitchen is to learn a few strategic "trucs" of the trade.

Truc (rhymes with "fluke") is a ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Youthful Drivers, Level Pay Plans and Windfalls

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Get ready for another round of your burning questions and my hopefully not-too-scorched answers as we tackle the financial dilemmas that can make even the savviest penny-pincher break into a sweat -- from the joys of insuring your teenage driver (and by joys, I mean sticker shock) to the temptation of throwing every windfall at those relentless ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: How to Beat the Job-Loss Blues: A Guide to Surviving the Unexpected

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Job redundancy, downsizing, cutbacks, layoffs -- whatever you call it, when that dreaded pink slip lands on your desk, it's about as welcome as a root canal. But living in constant fear that your job could disappear any day now? That's like waiting for a surprise party you really, really don't want.

Even if you're convinced your job is solid, ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Lions, Tigers and Predatory Lenders: Oh My!

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Homeowners, gather 'round and clutch your wallets. These days, home loan scam artists are lurking in the shadows like that weird neighbor who's always "just checking in." They're hungry, they're relentless and they've got their beady little eyes on your home equity.

Meet the loan sharks -- or as I prefer to call them, predatory lenders. They've...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Extra Money Dilemma; Should We Buy Cancer Insurance?

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

As you know, because I tell you all the time, I get a ton of mail! Today, I reached into my virtual mailbag and pulled out two reader questions, neither of them having easy answers. But hopefully this will make you think of your own situation in light of these questions and my responses.

Dear Mary: I borrowed more money on my student loan than ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: How to Unshrink a Sweater, Paying Taxes and More

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

I love it when I open my email to find a question that makes me go "Oh, boy. Do I know about that feeling! That's exactly what happened to me. Been there, done that!"

Today's first great reader question is a perfect example. Yep, I've gone to get rid of shrunken clothing because I didn't know there was a possible remedy. But now I do, and you'...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Frugal Advice for Perplexing Situations

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Dear Cheapskate: I often keep onions, garlic and potatoes in my cupboard for weeks before finding the time to cook with them -- and by then they've gone soft or sprouted! What's the best way to store these ingredients to keep them fresh as long as possible? Your column is fabulous! Keep up the good work. -- Amy M.

Dear Amy: Never refrigerate ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Grocery Shopping Mistakes That Are Eating a Hole in Your Budget

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Inflation is hitting Americans hard these days. Rent, gas and utilities are all more expensive, and rising grocery bills aren't helping matters. Increased costs and supply chain shortages have pushed prices up, with food prices climbing around 11% recently -- though some folks have seen even steeper increases. Sticking to a reasonable grocery ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Readers Share Clever Tips and Tricks for Living Well While Spending Less

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Every year around this time, just as summer is getting into full swing, I experience the same shock. You'd think that by now I would see it coming. I'm still rolling my eyes at the Halloween, Thanksgiving and even Christmas sections developing at my local Costco! And that rack of really nice winter down-filled jackets -- in August!

I'll admit ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Forget About It

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Insurance. It's complicated and confusing, which is why many people end up with insurance they don't need, while neglecting to carry the type of basic insurance they do need. So how are we to know? Today, I have a few common-sense guidelines to help untangle the mystery known as insurance.

Generally, you need four types of insurance:

TERM LIFE...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Smart Tips for Savvy Back-to-School Shoppers

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Money's tight, and time's ticking. So here's my top-notch advice to keep back-to-school clothes shopping from draining your wallet.

First things first, set your budget. Seriously, how much cash (not credit) do you have for school clothes? Write that number down. Next, figure out needs. Each kid has different requirements. Little boys and older ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Here's How to Cut Costs When Moving

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Moving to a new home can be an exciting adventure, but it often comes with a hefty price tag. As someone who's been through the moving process, I've picked up a few tricks to keep the costs down. Whether you're moving across town or across the country, these tips will help you save money and make the transition a lot smoother.

DON'T PUT IT OFF ...Read more


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