Life Advice
Woman Hopes To Convince Ex-Boyfriend She's 'the One'
DEAR ABBY: I'm 29, and my boyfriend is 36. We met on a dating site and were together for three years. He broke up with me two months ago because he didn't think he could marry me. (We weren't engaged.) He says I'm the love of his life, soulmate and his dream come true, and I feel the same, but he has commitment issues.
When I met him, I was in ...Read more
Lunches With Negative Nelly Leave Colleague Cold
DEAR ABBY: I recently reconnected with a colleague from work. We were friendly, but not really what I would call friends. We reconnected on social media and have had lunch a few times. The problem is, she has become a very negative, aggressive, angry person. She spends our time bashing family, former colleagues and just about every service ...Read more
Friend's Paranoid Behavior Raises Alarm
DEAR ABBY: How do I tell my friend I feel she needs a mental health evaluation? She has been my closest friend for 20 years, and we have been through many trials together. She has been married for a couple of years to a man who seems very nice.
Abby, she is convinced that she's being followed, but doesn't know by whom or why. She tells me about...Read more
Husband Abandons Wife At Single Table By The Restroom
DEAR ABBY: My husband puts everyone first before me.
An example: We were invited to his aunt Diana's 50th wedding anniversary. His father was their best man but couldn't make it due to illness. So, at the last minute, my husband was asked to sit at the head table with his aunt and her husband. I was not invited to do that, and my husband didn't...Read more
Partner's Texts With Another Woman Undermine Relationship
DEAR ABBY: My relationship with my partner hasn't been the greatest, but we are both working on ourselves to become better partners. Recently, I found out he has been texting another female (flirting). He 100% swore to me nothing more has happened besides the texting. He claims he likes the attention. This other woman knows he's in a ...Read more
Introvert's 'Safe Haven' Is Off-Limits To Family And Friends
DEAR ABBY: How do I politely tell people I don't like having anyone visit me in my home? My home is my safe haven. The energy of the outside world drains me, and I don't want that feeling inside my home. This includes family members, friends, neighbors, church family and anyone else who might come knocking on my door. I have anxiety and some ...Read more
Handyman's Janky Deck May Be A Hazard To Summer Visitors
DEAR ABBY: My brother-in-law thinks he is good with his hands. He built a deck on the back of his house, and it's obvious that he's not a professional. My husband and I have never sat on his deck because it doesn't look safe. (Others have said the same thing.) He bragged to me about how he got away with not having to pull any permits and never ...Read more
Father's Past Is Being Used As A Weapon In The Present
DEAR ABBY: I am a troubled older man. I was married with three children, but I drank too much. My wife and I divorced after 20 years of marriage. We were both flawed. I have been remarried and divorced since.
My children grew up, and we had a great relationship. I also had a great relationship with my grandchildren as well. Then, 10 or 12 years...Read more
New Boyfriend Has A Hard Time Showing Affection
DEAR ABBY: I lost my husband in the middle of last summer. He had a long illness with strokes and Alzheimer's, and he was horrible to me. Out of our entire 40 years of marriage, we had only four good ones.
Over the last three years, a gentleman from work would help with things around the house that my husband could no longer do. He would talk ...Read more
Woman's Habits Take A Turn For The Worse
DEAR ABBY: I am married with two children, 6 and 4. I love them and my wife. When I met her, I knew she was a little messy. I am neat, tidy and generally organized. Over time, her behavior (specifically, cleanliness and tidiness) has grown worse. It's reached the point where she leaves her chewed-off fingernails where our children play barefoot....Read more
Dad Puzzled By The Lack Of Commitment From Daughter's Partner
DEAR ABBY: I am concerned about my daughter. She's in a nice relationship, which seems good. They have two beautiful sons, ages 4 and 2, good jobs, a nice home and nice families who show a lot of support. We are always there for one another.
My concern is that my daughter's partner will not move forward with an engagement and proposal of ...Read more
A Poem Of Forgiveness Continues To Resonate
DEAR ABBY: While doing some house cleaning, I came across a column of yours that I had clipped and tucked away. On one of the pages I had dog-eared was the poem, "Decide to Forgive." I was struck by how timely it is. The message is much needed at this time. I believe in "doing unto others as you would have them do unto you." Please reprint the ...Read more
Wife Of Alcoholic Is Ready To Throw In The Towel
DEAR ABBY: I have been married for 27 years. Most of them have been miserable. My husband has been a functioning alcoholic for more than 40 years. I consider his behavior emotionally abusive. I hate my home. My kids (22, 19 and 17) don't want me to leave him. I live in my bedroom all day by myself except to go to work. He now says he wants to ...Read more
Frustrated Spouse Has Made Healthy Changes Alone
DEAR ABBY: My wife and I went for our annual checkups seven months ago. We were both overweight and told by our respective doctors that we needed to make some lifestyle changes to improve our health. Since that time, I have made the needed changes. As a result, I have lost 40 pounds, and all of my vitals are in a healthy range.
My wife has not ...Read more
Daughter's Gravestone Damaged By Relative's Decoration
DEAR ABBY: We lost our 16-year-old daughter two years ago to leukemia. It's been a difficult two years. I am writing to ask if there are rules of etiquette for visiting a loved one at the cemetery? We go regularly. I decorate the area in front of her stone with holiday or seasonally appropriate decorations. Other family members and friends visit...Read more
Relatives' Penchant For Tall Tales Is Driving Sibling Away
DEAR ABBY: I find myself increasingly less patient with my oldest brother and older sister. They lie incessantly about things they have accomplished, always making themselves out to be the best. It frustrates me to hear them say things that are not true.
For example, while dining in a restaurant, my brother told a group of guys that he was a ...Read more
Mental Health Struggles Take A Toll On Long Marriage
DEAR ABBY: I have been married for 47 years. My wife has suffered from mental illness for more than half our marriage. Two years ago, she went off her medication, became manic for 10 months and was hospitalized four times. A few months later, it was discovered she had breast cancer. Fortunately, it was detected early. After surgery and radiation...Read more
Woman's High School Reunions Always Reopen Old Wounds
DEAR ABBY: This year was our high school class's 50th reunion. My husband and I graduated together from the same school. We have attended every reunion, and at each one of them received the same reactions from classmates. They always talk to my husband, shake his hand or hug him, but look at my name tag and photo and ignore me like they did in ...Read more
New Neighbor Gets More Than The Usual 'Welcome Wagon'
DEAR ABBY: I'm a gay man living in a predominantly straight community. About a year ago, a married couple moved in. One day, the husband asked me to come over and help him put a table together, which I did. He thanked me by opening a bottle of wine. Then he asked me what turns me on. I thought the question was unusual, but I didn't hold back -- ...Read more
Change Is In The Hair For Longtime Client
DEAR ABBY: I have been seeing a hairstylist for a decade. During the last couple of years, I don't feel I've gotten the service I deserve. I go in for a trim about every two months (sometimes longer to save money). She is extremely busy and sometimes delegates "green" hairstylists to wash and blow-dry my hair.
I appreciate that she gives new ...Read more