Health Advice



Reader Who Experiences Sleep Paralysis Writes In For Advice

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: My question to you is about an affliction I have struggled with since childhood. Apparently, it is called sleep paralysis. As explained to me in an old newspaper article, it is when your brain is awake, but your body is still sleeping. This leads me to have minor to moderate panic attacks!

It has lessened as I've aged, and I'...Read more

Patient With High Total Cholesterol Gets Recommended A Statin

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: Can you please explain what is cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein and the significance of a high HDL cholesterol value? What about non-HDL cholesterol? I have had cholesterol tests for the past 30 years with HDL readings that had a low of 68 mg/dL and a high of 117 mg/dL. Two first-degree relatives also have high HDL ...Read more

A Dry Cough Persisting For A Decade Might Indicate Asthma

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I also have a dry cough that's been going on for about 13-14 years. I'm a healthy 62-year-old and read that it is called "cough variant asthma." I would like to know more about this but really can't find anything about it, except that it will eventually get worse if it's not treated. I was checked twice in the past 15 years for...Read more

Using Stevia In Coffee Is OK For Borderline Prediabetic Patient

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: In a recent column, you OK'd stevia, which I had heard could negatively impact our microbiomes. I am borderline prediabetic, and I had stopped using stevia accordingly. However, I hate unsweetened coffee. Can you comment on stevia's impact on our microbiomes in your column? -- M.M.

ANSWER: I wish I could give you an answer that ...Read more

Woman Unable To Lose Weight Despite Exercise And A Good Diet

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 69-year-old female in excellent health, other than having been treated for breast cancer eight years ago. (I underwent surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, then five years on an aromatase inhibitor.) Since then, I have gained 40 pounds. I am 5 feet, 2 inches tall, and weigh 178 pounds. I have been unable to lose the weight ...Read more

Man Fails To Respond To Oral Medications And Injections For Ed

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I have erectile dysfunction (ED). I am 71, and this has been an issue for over a year. But it seems to be getting worse. I have used sildenafil and Cialis with no effect. I also received testosterone injections for over a year. I have used Trimix and Quadmix, which worked initially to a certain extent, but now it doesn't work ...Read more

A GLP-1 Agonist Can Help Reduce Weight, Sleep Apnea And More

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: My 66-year-old husband recently received a diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. He is 5 feet, 7 inches tall, and weighs 270 pounds. He is treating his fluid retention with 100 mg of furosemide daily. He also has mild, untreated sleep apnea.

He would like to try one of the GLP-1 drugs to lose some weight, ...Read more

Over-The-Counter Treatments Don't Help Man's Enlarged Prostate

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am 71, and I recently saw my urologist for urinating a lot and not getting enough sleep. He performed a flow test and a scope, then told me that I have an enlarged prostate. My urologist is recommending a procedure but doesn't support the idea of using a balloon treatment.

Next week, I am scheduled to have my prostate ...Read more

Raising Magnesium Intake Helps With Bigeminy Heartbeat

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: Several months ago, I developed a case of a bigeminy heartbeat. My cardiologist prescribed metoprolol. At about the same time, I had reduced my intake of magnesium from about 50% of the daily value (DV) to 35%. (This may have preceded the bigeminy onset.)

Quite by accident, I read an article recommending magnesium for a heart ...Read more

Doctor-Patient Introductions Are Necessary For Good Rapport

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 66-year-old woman in fairly good health, but I have visited enough doctors recently to make the following observation:

Almost without fail, a person will enter the examination room, make no introduction, and launch into a series of questions or perform whatever procedure is necessary. (In general, I do not see any ...Read more

Reader Sounds Off On Medical Errors Due To Prescription Drugs

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I think it would be very enlightening if you would write a follow-up piece on the third leading cause of death in the United States. I am certain you are aware that I am referring to medical errors. I am of the opinion that physicians are overprescribing medication on a regular basis.

I feel like doctors are barraged by ...Read more

Man Wonders If His Next Colonoscopy Screening Is Too Far Away

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 71-year-old male who is a nonsmoker and a social drinker. Other than a statin, I am not taking any medications. I have been getting colonoscopies every five years as each time several benign polyps have been found. When I was 67, a couple of precancerous polyps were found along with some benign ones. Because of this, my ...Read more

Testosterone Supplements Aren't Effective Or Recommended

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: As I amble past middle age and try to take note of my functioning as a male, I wonder if I could benefit from taking one of these testosterone supplements that I see advertised on TV. But I don't know how much they would improve my health or sexual function. Does the recommended dosage on the bottle apply to everybody? Or ...Read more

Tilapia That Wasn't Stored Properly Causes Scombroid Poisoning

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I ate some tilapia last night, and within an hour, I had nausea and a headache, vomiting a few hours later, and now diarrhea. What do you think is going on? -- V.P.

ANSWER: I would be interested if you felt any sensation of warmth on your face or neck or any flushing, as your symptoms are highly suggestive of a foodborne ...Read more


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