White to Play
Published in Chess Puzzles

This composition is slightly tricky because of the constant threat of mate on c1. Next week, we will start our tribute to the recently deceased former world champion, Boris Spassky.
A composition by R.K. Guy in 1944 1.Nb7+ Kc7 1…Kxd7 2.Nc5+ Kc6 3.Nxb3 Kb5 4.Nc1 Kb4 5.Ka2 Kc4 6.Ka3 Kc5 7.b3 Kd4 8.Kb2 2.d8=Q+ Kxb7 3.Qd7+ Kb6 4.Qd6+ Kb5 5.Qc7 Ka6 6.Qc4+ Ka5 7.Qc5+ Ka6 8.Qa3+ Kb6 9.Qxb3+ and wins.
Send questions and comments to PTamburro@aol.com.