


White to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

If you have time over the holiday and would like to give some young person a chess lesson on using rooks, this is a very instructive position. Can the two rooks defeat two potential queens ready to be promoted?

1.Rh6+ Another way which allows both pawns to queen is 1.Ra3+ Kb5 2.Rab3+ Kc4 3.Rhc3+ Kd4 4.Rd3+ Kc4 5.Rbc3+ Kb4 6.Rc7 b1=Q 7.Rd8!! d1=Q 8.Rb8+ Ka3 9.Ra7+ Qa4 10.Rxa4+ Kxa4 11.Rxb1 1...Ka5 1...Kb7 2.Re3 d1Q 3.Re7+ Kc8 4.Rh8+ Qd8 5.Rxd8+ Kxd8 6.Rb7 2.Rd3 b1Q 3.Rd5+ Ka4 4.Ra6+ Kb4 5.Rb6+ Kc4 6.Rxb1 and wins.


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