


White to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

This Golden Oldie is a doozy! White has all his forces arrayed, but what is the most efficient sequence?

This gem was won by A. Istratescu. 1.g6! Nf8 1...Nxf6 2.Rxf6 Bxf6 3.Qxh7+ Kf8 4.Nc5 dxc5 5.Bxc5+ Ke8 6.Qg8+ Kd7 7.Qxf7+ Kc8 8.Qxe6+ Qd7 9.Qg8+ Qd8 10.Qxd8+ Kxd8 11.c3 Kd7 12.Rxa7+ Rxa7 13.Bxa7 with a fairly easy endgame win with the queenside pawn majority. 2.Ng5 Rxf6 3.gxf7+ Kh8 4.Nxh7!! Rg6+ 4...Nxh7 5.f8Q+ Rxf8 6.Rxf8# 5.Ng5+ Rh6 6.Qxh6+! gxh6 7.Bd4+ and mate in one.


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