Chris Lytle Sales Tip -- Handling Objections
Published in Business Success Tip
Why I Object to the Way Most Salespeople Handle Objections...
I was an all-American high jumper in college. As a matter of fact, I matched the women’s world record in 1971. I brought a lot of that competitive spirit to my first sales job. If a prospect raised an objection, I wanted to overcome that objection. I had to win the argument.
I found myself in too many arguments with prospects and customers.
My thinking changed when I realized that I don’t have to prove someone wrong for me to be right. I accepted the fact that two points of view can exist simultaneously. And my sales went up because I started trying to understand before I tried to persuade.
I like sales trainer Ari Galper’s suggestion that we need to think in terms of concerns instead of objections. That ties back to Stephen Covey’s notion that we should seek first to understand instead of trying to be understood.
The hard part is to acknowledge the concern and be willing to listen to it instead of trying to deflect or neutralize it.
The behavior that makes you more persuasive is listening, not debating.
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